Sunday 12 June 2011

Could this be it?

In my little world tomorrow is a truly exciting occasion. I've been deliberating over posting about it now or waiting until it's happened, but I just can't resist telling you.

For one thing, I'm bursting at the seams and need to channel my excitement somewhere other than my wild imagination which is already leading me down all sorts of strange paths. And, when I write this blog I imagine we're having a conversation, albeit a rather one-sided one. But, using that analogy, since we speak so often I figure it's almost deceitful not telling you ahead of time. If we were conversing all the time there's no way I would leave this information out.

Mr G and I have been invited to a ceremony that's taking place at Windsor Castle. The guest list, with the obvious exception of our untitled, single-barrelled names is epic. Not only will the most impressive gentleman I've encountered on these shores be in attendance, but so too will the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Can you imagine my delight??? I still can't believe it's happening.

Long-time readers will be familiar with the special affinity I share imagine I share with the royal newlyweds. If you're not, you can read about it here, here and here. I promise it will give my excitement some context. (Context, of course, is slightly different to understanding. I cannot promise you will relate.) Among the other more titled, recognisable guests who will be in my proximity* tomorrow include HRH the Queen, Prince Phillip, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.

Naturally, as soon I learned of our invitation (which came about because some family friends received tickets through a very limited public ballot), I immediately assumed it would be an extremely intimate affair consisting of the upper echelons of the Royal Family, some dignitaries, several Lords and Ladies and then yours truly and Mr G mingling in a very small room. Before I had contemplated an outfit or childcare, I was deep in imaginary conversation with the Duke and Duchess.

Them: "Oh, What a terrible shame we didn't meet you earlier. We would have loved to have invited you both to our wedding."
Me: (Playing it cool and understated) "Oh yes that would have been wonderful. I was just thinking the same thing about you two and our own wedding."
Kate: "Perhaps the four of us should renew our vows together when we all go the Seychelles next summer?"
Me: "What a splendid, splendid idea! Would you mind wearing a Burquini while we're there?"

Sadly Google put a stop to that. There will be no small talk and likley no lifelong friendship established. I learned it is a large event so we're not going to be sharing a small room together, rather we'll be sharing them with a large crowd.

But, my lovely readers, large crowd or not, I can't overstate the magnitude of this chance happening. I have only three weeks left in this country and having missed their wedding, I really thought my chance at an encounter - any encounter - was over. I was wrong. My card has turned up. I'll be able to tell my daughter - truthfully - that if she dares to dream big (and shares those dreams with the world wide web) she could be rewarded. Just like I've been. Tomorrow is as close as I'm ever going to get. 

Unless, of course, they do randomly spot us in the crowd, think we look friendly and suggest a trip to the Seychelles. Unlikely, but we live in a world where I just read someone underwent a voluntary full face transplant, so I really do believe anything is possible.

*My proximity is unlikely to be anywhere near as close as I am still hoping.

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