Saturday 10 March 2012

Champagne days

Disclaimer: If you are at all like me, the following post may invoke some feelings of jealousy towards NABM. To alleviate any such feelings please refer to posts such as this, this or this. I can assure you my life is never as genteel or sophisticated as it was for a few short hours on Thursday.

Now I don't know about you but my working life rarely involves champagne. And by champagne I do mean champagne. On Thursday mine did and I won't even pretend I didn't find it entirely thrilling. One of the perks of writing for a magazine is receiving the occasional invitation to events. Being a business magazine the functions I'm typically invited to are of the corporate conference/round-table-discussion-on-tax-liability variety but sometimes this extends to quite glittering parties.

And the Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year Award lunch at a fancy Sydney restaurant glittered. Brightly. The room was full of fabulous frocks, fashion types, magazine editors, television stars, the royalty of Australia's female business leaders and at least one, star-struck, business writer. Namedropping obviously isn't cool which is convenient because neither am I. Very familiar faces included Vogue's Kirsty Clements, Grazia's Kellie Hush, Channel Nine's Georgie Gardner, Channel Ten's Sandra Sully, Sass & Bide's Sarah-Jane Clarke, Carla Zampatti, Heather Ridout, Maggie Tabberer and her Excellency Marie Bashir.

I can imagine if you had to attend such festivities regularly it might become a tad tedious. Actually I can't imagine that. Who am I kidding? I can imagine, though, that it would be hard to get things done and that real life would start to appear a little dull if you spent the bulk of your working life eating delicate canapés, sipping on the latest vintage French champagne, overlooking the Harbour. But when it happens, say, once in a lifetime it's pretty splendid. Particularly when the $29 Sportsgirl "statement necklace" chosen for the occasion* garners compliments from a few famous faces. That, my dear readers, makes for a pretty good day at the office.

What's the best day of work you've ever done?

*Naturally I put in a little bit more effort planning an outfit for Thursday. Nothing like a good excuse to make a bit of sartorial effort I say. On Wednesday night I trialled two different options. Mr G liked the first one but when I showed him the second he said "Yeah definitely wear that one". I then actually asked him "Did you hate the first outfit?" At that point he rolled his eyes and told me if behaved like that he'd give me no feedback. A torrential rainstorm on Thursday morning meant I had to make a few adjustments – I swapped some bright tangerine wedges for a tan ankle boot and added a cream cardi for warmth.


duckformation said...

Ah georgie, i am jealous. My biggie of the week was I saw Mishal Husain speak at the Lowy Inst on Tues, and I had to wash my hair and read copious amounts of news so I didn't appear or sound stupid. Then I went home and wrestled 4 children into bed. It was a rare night out for me. Nights out usually mean a midnight trip to the A&E, and thankfully those are rare too! Sadly no champagne. The outfit sounds well chosen.

Katie Moore said...

I just had a quick question in regards to your website. If you could email me at your convenience that would be great!


Not Another Blogging Mother said...

Hi Duckformation! I didn't realise you read this. I'm a big fan of yours! I think any outing that requires a bit of extra homework - whether it's selecting the right outfit or catching up on current affairs - is a welcome change of pace. The fact you then wrestled four kids into bed astounds me. I only have one at this stage ... the idea of having four is equal parts excitement and fear. I read about your endeavours with considerable admiration. Stop by again soon! Georgie